


CHTHONIC - Mirror of Retribution Tour

日期 Date : 3rd July 2010
時間 Time : 8:00-11:00

特別嘉賓 Guest :


Venue : Hidden Agenda Live House
地址: 香港觀塘大業街25號高良工業大廈6樓
Address : 6 Floor, Ko Leung Industrial Bldg, No.25 Dai Yip Street, Kwun Tong.

$150(Advance)/$180 (Walk-in)

(852) 63356366 (852) 96518567



-Hong Kong Ticket Outlet-

Zoo Records Tel : 3188 2303
B31 Basement, Sino Centre, 582-592 Nathan Rd, Kln H.K.

White Noise Record Tel : 2591 0499
Room 1901, 19/F, Workingview Commercial Building,
21 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay

Trinity Records Tel : 23832801
旺角亞皆老街109號皆旺商場1/F 108號舖
Shop 108, 1st Floor, Richmond Shopping Center,
109 Argyle Street, Mong Kok


2007年被紐約時報盛讚「Ozzfest最佳演出樂團之一」的閃靈,是在台灣已經成立了已超過十年的樂團。曾參加過日本的富士音樂祭、從台灣總統手中得到有台灣葛萊美之稱的金曲獎最佳樂團,受邀參加美國Ozzfest、德國的 WACKEN OPEN AIR、法國坎城MIDEM音樂展,被Revolver列為年度最受矚目樂團,Terrorizer、Metal Hammer、Rock Sound、Kerrang等雜誌華盛頓郵報、洛杉磯時報頭版以及ABC電視台等國外媒體報導讚譽,閃靈堪稱代表亞洲金屬樂派的重要勁旅。

雖然閃靈成軍曾受到許多歐洲Black Metal樂團的啟發,但十多年來閃靈的作品則以台灣神話、傳說、歷史為主題,並融合台灣小調與五聲音階的旋律特色,與傳統Black Metal的反基督、撒旦主題相去甚遠,國際的樂評也曾試著以Black Metal、Death Metal、Folk Metal等各種不一樣的風格來標籤閃靈,很莫衷一是。閃靈除了重金屬原有的憤怒與邪惡以外,還獨有一種悲傷的情緒,這不需要用傳統西方的重金屬分類,這是閃靈特有的台灣重金屬。

從第一張專輯「祖靈之流」描述祖先來台、第二張專輯「靈魄之界」以原住民神衹與漢人神衹的戰爭、第三張專輯「永劫輪迴」以台灣民間傳說林投姐為故事發展為全新創作,到第四張「賽德克巴來」以台灣原住民對抗日本殖民為故事,閃靈以東亞歷史文化為根基從事神話的音樂再創作獲得許多樂界人士的青睞。2009年八月由Spinefarm / Universal Group所發行的第五張專輯「十殿」,更是以東方的地獄觀為創作主軸,結合真實歷史屠殺事件「二二八」為背景所完成的全新創作,其音樂性與故事性都較以往更為具爆發力,亦是閃靈目前為止最滿意一張專輯。

TAIWAN IS a country where history and folklore work very much hand in hand, and both of these elements are central to the latest studio album from that country’s premier metal outfit, Chthonic (pronounced ‘Thonic’).

Formed in 1995, five-piece set-up Chthonic (a name deriving from a Greek word signifying spirits of the underworld) have delivered an 11-track body of work that touches on both the spirit and mortal worlds, with loss of national identity and the sometimes turbulent history of their homeland recurring themes.

With Anthrax guitarist Rob Caggiano at the production & mixing helm, ‘Mirror Of Retribution’‘Where The Ancestors’ Souls Gathered’ sees the award-winning musicians further developing a style that started with the ’99 album , blending full-on metal of the darker persuasion with traditional Taiwanese instruments such as two-string violin, the hena.

“The story behind this album combines true historical fact with an ancient myth of hell,” explains bassist and band spokesperson Doris Yeh. “Amongst other things, we make reference to the famous ‘228 Massacre’, which was the biggest ever massacre in Taiwanese history. Tens of thousands of Taiwanese were killed by the Chinese army. The final battle of the event occurred in the middle of Taiwan, where 40 local militia attempted to resist 2,500 soldiers from the Chinese army. In the end, the militia lost their lives near the Sing-Ling Temple.

“Musically, we tried to move the band to a whole new level,” continues Doris. “In the past, we’ve been described in various ways, as ‘symphonic black metal’ or ‘melodic death’, the word ‘folk’ has also been applied at times, but this was our chance to establish a new place for ourselves in the extreme metal genre…”

Never ones to shy away from a just cause, Chthonic – in particular frontman Freddy Lim – have been consistently active on the political front at home, whilst away from their hometown of Taipei they have appeared at the Wacken Festival in Germany and toured as part of the Ozzfest in the US, the first Asian extreme metal band to make such a mark.

'Mirror Of Retribution' is released via Spinefarm Records on August 10th 2009

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